Wednesday, November 26, 2008

some reviews to come

Although I am presently reading The Message Stick to review it I had a request for some well known psychology books. I am not ready to publish my review on Message Stick, I read over 100 pages of it last night but I have found reading this type of book as an eBook is slower than reading the same book in hard copy. I will be posting on Friday. The holiday has slowed things down a little. To help out my reader from SE Asia I will be posting reviews of 2 older but well known psychology books. I am not sure exactly what type of psychology book that they are looking for so I will be writing a review of Girl, Interrupted and The Dance of Anger. Both have been done many times and are familiar to many American and Canadian readers they are not as well known in other countries, especially not in non-English speaking countries. I hope this will answer the request I had and share information on two books that many people may have heard of but never read. I read Girl, Interrupted long before the movie was ever made. The Dance of Anger has been translated into many languages but many people still haven't personally read it.

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