Sunday, November 23, 2008

deciding and getting organized

I'm caught up in trying to get an idea and plan of when I will do specific blogs. I'm also trying to decide what books to review to start with. Most of my present collection of books are at least several months past their debut. I have recently begun reading ebooks. I enjoys them but have been reading some older ones by authors that have current excerpts that sound good. I prefer not to spend much money on books that are unreadable. Unfortunately, many of the books I have bought in the last year that were not by my tried and true authors have fallen into that category. I will be doing some reviews of older books that I found so good that I couldn't put them down or so bad they fall into the very small group of books I refuse to have in my house. I'm still working on getting the blog setup and organized. I am going to try and post a review 1 day every week. Right now I am aiming for Mondays. It may change after I see how it fits into my schedule but for now that is what I see happening. Tomorrow I am going to have a review of Fairy Dreams by Brenna Lyons. It is a few years old but I think it is worth a review.

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