Recently I spent most of one night laying on the floor in the dark my laptop perched on my chest keeping it in easy reading distance. For those wondering what had me up all night; I was on a rollercoaster of humans, fairies and love. I spent the night reading Brenna Lyons book Fairy Dreams. It is a slightly older book but I had read an excerpt and it sounded like a book I would enjoy.
This is a book that never stops. It goes from one high to the next with little or no breaks. I could not find any break in the action that I felt allowed me to stop reading after the first 50-75 pages. I quite literally could not put it down. At nearly 600 pages, this is a long book but it didn't feel like it was any where near that long.
I called this a rollercoaster because there are so many peaks and valleys. Countless times I thought that the action was winding down and wondered how the remaining pages were going to be filled. It just seemed like it couldn't get any better but each time it did. This was one of the most enjoyable reads I have had in a long time. I read many books I really like but I only started with ebooks a few weeks ago and this is by far the longest that I have read.
Brenna Lyons was able to keep the action and the surprises coming throughout the entire book. The biggest surprise is barely hinted at throughout the book yet when it is disclosed it make perfect sense and all the clues are there in retrospect. It takes incredible skill to write a book this long and not have a dull moment. I didn't see a single dull moment. The story moved the reader from one scene to the next keeping the tension and interest level high.
I don't want to disclose too much about the actual story because I don't want to spoil it for future readers. The excerpt gives the information that the story involves the Blake women, especially the last one, their land and a fairy named Caudal who is there to help protect the land. That is a bare minimum or information but the excerpt pulls the reader in and makes you want to see more. I loved this and definitely want to read more of her books. In this case I found a new author to love. I can't wait to read more.
This book is definitely a 5 heart read.