Friday, January 30, 2009

cold and blowing winter day

I'm still trying to get myself together here. Am working through a fibromyalia flare plus all this cold is making old injuries hurt. There isn't a spot in my body that doesn't hurt today. I've finished 2 books from Hatchette that I can't wait to review. So they will be up soon.
Sorry about he complaints all I can say is don't wonder how someone deals with something you get to find out. I will be posting a letter from Fibrohurts_support, a group I belong to, in the next few days as well. I am trying to get more involved and to return to my level of functioning before the fibro hit. I wouldn't wish it on any one but it does come with its own gifts. I'll leave those gifts for another time used up my time for today.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

cold lazy days

I planned to post at least 2 reviews a week but haven't done too good at that. Its been so cold that I haven't wanted to even get out of bed. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in Nov and am spending most of my time and energy dealing with that. was going to write more but my body is saying its bed time. I have some reviews done and have 3 books I have read that need to be reviewed. I'm supposed to restrict my pc time until this flare clears. This week it even hurts to breathe. yuck!